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qd / queue.dat documentation
Using qd HOWTO
Dick Howells F@H Tools Page
$ cat README

qd-tools is composed of Dick Howells qd application and its data file 
qdinfo.dat, together with some scripts to update them with the data from
psummary.html. Since v0.2 qdiprint is packaged as well, this program prints
a human readable dump of the project/credit data in qdinfo.dat.

Since Dick Howells unfortunate passing in August 2005, there were no more 
updates to qd and qdinfo.dat. With the scripts bundled in qd-tools it is now
possible to keep your copy of qd.c and qdinfo.dat up to date.

The version of qd.c used is that of 11 August 2005, the last release by 
Dick Howell, patched with win2k3-ostab.patch. 
win2k3-ostab.patch adds Win2K3 to the Operating System table used by qd to 
determine the OS registered in queue.dat.

Please note that the documentation is a work in progress. Everything I find out
of qd, I document and place in the documentation/ directory.

Additional information can be found on two web forum topics about qd.

The first is the main topic opened by Dick Howell on the Folding-Community 
forum, "QUEUE.DAT dump and benchmark utilities":

The second is the topic "QD Status" on the forum of Team Mac OS X:

An example of how qd can be used in general is part of the qd-tools tarball in:
Which is primarily maintained on the FAH Wiki at:

One example of how qd can be used to extract useful information about your
FAH clients is how "bbarrera" of the dslreports.com forum used it to feed data
to Cacti:


qd-tools is shipped with a precompiled binary for each supported platform, but 
can be build & installed with the shipped Makefile.

Run `make` to configure and build qd, qdiprint & qfix for your platform.
Note: Supported platforms are:
- Linux/x86
- FreeBSD/x86
- OpenBSD/x86
- Windows/x86
- Mac OS X/PPC
- Mac OS X/x86

Run `make install` (as root) to copy the binaries to /usr/local/bin/ and the 
qdinfo.dat file to /usr/local/share/qd/).

You can also run `make update` to update the qd.c and qdinfo.dat with the 
information on Stanfords project summary web page by running the script:

Files in this package
- source/qd/qd.c        
  qd.c of 11 August 2005 patched with win2k3-ostab.patch 
  updated point table and bug fixes

- source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat
  With updated project/credit data.

- source/scripts/update-qd.pl
  Updates qd.c and/or qdinfo.dat with project/credit data from psummary.html
  Can compile the qd.c source too.

- source/scripts/qd2xml.pl
  A script to convert normal qd output to its XML form

- documentation/compilation-information.txt
  Documentation on the compilation of the binaries.

- documentation/qd.c-defines.txt
  Documentation on the defines in qd.c, what their effect is and what values 
  are accepted

- documentation/qd-output-example-linux.txt
  Example output of qd run on Linux
- documentation/qd-output-example-osx.txt
  Example output of qd run on OSX
- documentation/qd-output-example-osx-from-linux.txt
  Example output of qd run on Linux parsing a queue.dat file from OSX

- binaries/win32/qd.exe
  qd binary for Windows
  qd.exe compiled from the updated qd.c

- binaries/win32/qd-native.exe
  qd binary for Windows
  qd.exe compiled natively on Windows from the updated qd.c

- binaries/linux/qd
  qd binary for Linux
  qd compiled from the updated qd.c

- binaries/openbsd/qd
  qd binary for OpenBSD
  qd compiled from the updated qd.c

- binaries/freebsd/qd
  qd binary for FreeBSD
  qd compiled from the updated qd.c

- binaries/darwin/qd
  qd binary for Mac OS X
  qd compiled from the updated qd.c

- binaries/win32/qdiprint.exe
  qdiprint binary for Windows
  Prints out point value information from the qd data file in readable form.
  Has fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits

- binaries/win32/qdiprint-native.exe
  qdiprint binary for Windows
  Prints out point value information from the qd data file in readable form.
  Has fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits

- binaries/linux/qdiprint
  qdiprint binary for Linux
  Prints out point value information from the qd data file in readable form.
  Has fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits

- binaries/openbsd/qdiprint
  qdiprint binary for OpenBSD
  Prints out point value information from the qd data file in readable form.
  Has fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits

- binaries/freebsd/qdiprint
  qdiprint binary for OpenBSD
  Prints out point value information from the qd data file in readable form.
  Has fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits

- binaries/darwin/qdiprint
  qdiprint binary for Mac OS X
  Prints out point value information from the qd data file in readable form.
  Has fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits


Computer programmers never die, they just get lost in the processing.