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My name is Bas Couwenberg, born June 3th 1983 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

I like programming in Perl and working with UNIX systems and networks.
My preferred Operating System is Debian GNU/Linux,
but I tinker with OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Mac OS X too.

Besides computing, I enjoy listening to music too.
I enjoy all kinds of music, from Ska to Rock, from Reggae to Heavy Metal and from Hiphop to Blues.
Some of my favorite bands include: Osdorp Posse, De Hardheid, Jaya The Cat and Machine Head

I'm also a fan of Japanese Animation, especially the works of Mamoru Oshii and Hayao Miyazaki.
Some of my favorite movies and series: Grave of the Fireflies, Ghost In The Shell and Witch Hunter Robin

On this website I keep some Open Source software which I've written, modified or maintain.
Mostly Folding@Home related tools.

I also keep some mirrors of websites which might go offline soon or which have unreliable hosts.

To contact me, send me an email.

You can find my PGP public keys here.

The kind of geek I am:
Version: 3.1
GIT/MU/P d- s: a- C+++ ULB+++ P+++ L+++ E--- W++ N++ !o K w-- O-- M PS++ PE 
Y+> PGP++ t++ 5+ X++ R !tv b+> DI> D++ G e+ h-- r- y+ 

According to the BBspot quiz
Which Programming Language are You?
You are Perl. People have a hard time understanding you, but you are always able to help them with almost all of their problems.


You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.