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Dutch Power Cows

Here I keep some stuff related to my activities in the
Distributed Computing team the Dutch Power Cows.

Somewhere in 2003 I joined the DPC subteam a couple
of my friends founded: Fatal Error Group.

First running RC5-72, but from December 2004 we've
been doing Folding@Home instead.


Dutch Power Cows Folding@Home FAQ
This is my mirror of the FAQ previously hosted by SandStar.
And has been wiki-fied since.

HTML to RML converter
Convert Marcelloz DPCH HTML code to RML.
For when the Tadah RML stats are broken.

Milestone Generator
Generate a milestone image to post in a DPCH.
Deprecated: use the latest
Folding@Home Milestone Generator from fah-tools instead.

Stampede Vote Counter
A script to count the votes for the next Stampede project
posted in the Dutch Power Cows forum on Gathering of Tweakers.

Weektopic TEAM Generator
Generate the RML for a Topicstart Editable After Me (TEAM)
for DPC weektopics with a list of all DPCHs for a certain week.


Luck, that's when preparation and opportunity meet.
		-- P. E. Trudeau