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 | |   (_)_ __  _   ___  _|  \/  (_)_ __   __| | ___  __| |
 | |   | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / |\/| | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ _` |
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 |_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__,_|
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Here you can find some scripts which may be usefull for Folding@Home contributors.
For Folding@Home queue.dat tools see: qd-tools

Apache mod_perl scripts:
- Folding@Home Milestone Generator
  Description: Webpage to generate a milestone image
  Download: fah-milestone-generator.tar.gz (3 MB)
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007

Miscellaneous scripts:
- fah-core-convert.pl: fah-core-convert.pl.gz (942 B)
  Description: Convert a Folding@Home Core file from .fah to .exe.bz
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007

- fah-core-monitor.pl: fah-core-monitor.pl.gz (2 KB)
  Description: Monitor the Folding@Home website for new FahCores
  Modified: Sun Jun 12 12:23:13 2011

  Requires: fah-core-monitor.xml (15 KB)
  Description: Configuration file for fah-core-monitor.pl
  Modified: Sun Jun 12 12:23:13 2011

- fahchart-fix-fahlog.pl: fahchart-fix-fahlog.pl.gz (629 B)
  Description: Convert a FAH GPU or SMP client FAHlog[-Prev].txt to its old format,
  as expected by FAHChart
  Modified: Tue Feb 10 20:15:58 2009

- monitor-running-fah-client.sh: monitor-running-fah-client.sh (450 B)
  Description: Monitor a running Folding@Home v6 client using watch, qd, and more
  Modified: Thu Feb 14 21:02:18 2008

- list-running-clients.sh: list-running-clients.sh (79 B)
  Description: List all running Folding@Home (v6) processes
  Modified: Thu Feb 14 21:02:27 2008

- psummary2xml.pl: psummary2xml.pl.gz (1 KB)
  Description: Convert a Folding@Home project summary HTML file to Well Formed XML
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007

- teamstats2xml.pl: teamstats2xml.pl.gz (1 KB)
  Description: Convert the a Folding@Home team stats text file to Well Formed XML
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007

- cuda: cuda (1 KB)
  Description: Initialize Nvidia CUDA devices at boot time
  Modified: Sat Jul 18 21:30:45 2009

- start-client.sh: start-client.sh (101 B)
  Description: Start the Folding@Home Linux client inside the scripts directory
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007

- stop-all-clients.sh: stop-all-clients.sh (81 B)
  Description: Kills all Folding@Home processes on Linux
  (kills all processes containing 'fah')
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007

- remove-fah-files.sh: remove-fah-files.sh (272 B)
  Description: Removes all Folding@Home client files
  leaving the client binary and client.cfg file behind
  Modified: Mon Nov 12 22:03:58 2007


As long as there are ill-defined goals, bizarre bugs, and unrealistic
schedules, there will be Real Programmers willing to jump in and Solve
The Problem, saving the documentation for later.