_     _                  __  __ _           _          _
 | |   (_)_ __  _   ___  _|  \/  (_)_ __   __| | ___  __| |
 | |   | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / |\/| | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ _` |
 | |___| | | | | |_| |>  <| |  | | | | | | (_| |  __/ (_| |
 |_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__,_|
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| General | Documentation | Credit History |

Here you can find qd-tools and its components.
qd-tools aims to be a set of tools to keep your copy of qd.c, qdinfo.dat and/or emprotz.dat
up to date with the changes in Stanfords project summary file,
now that Dick Howell is no longer around to provide these updates.

See the Documentation for more detailed information on qd-tools, its components and working.
I have a mirror of Dick Howells website, which also has more info on qd, qdinfo.dat and qdiprint.

Below you can download qd-tools and also find most of its files as separate downloads.
Please note that only the Linux and Windows binary are compiled and uploaded automatically.
Everything which needs to be compiled natively will be done as soon as possible.
The Mac OS X/PPC qd binary is courtesy of Kevin Bernhagen aka calxalot.

The versions of qd, qdinfo.dat, qdiprint, qfix, wuinfo and xyz2pdb below,
are always more up to date than the ones in the qd-tools tarball.
The qd-tools tarball is only updated when there have been significant changes,
like new documentation or bugfixes.
You can see if the versions are in sync by comparing the Modified times.

qd-tools v2.7.4: qd-tools-2.7.4.tar.gz (4.11 MB)
Modified: Thu Jul 5 19:47:39 2012
   Show previous releases

- update-qd.pl: update-qd.pl.gz (12.44 KB)
  Description: Updates qd.c and/or qdinfo.dat with project/credit data from psummary.html
  Modified: Tue Jun 28 22:12:50 2016

- psummary2qdinfo.pl: psummary2qdinfo.pl.gz (7.32 KB)
  Deprecated: use update-qd.pl with --qdinfo-only
  Description: Updates only qdinfo.dat with project/credit data from psummary.html
  Modified: Thu Dec 1 07:41:36 2005

- qd2xml.pl: qd2xml.pl.gz (2.94 KB)
  Description: Convert normal qd output to its XML form
  Modified: Wed Jun 7 21:04:57 2006


- qd.c: qd.c (333.53 KB)
  Description: qd.c of 11 August 2005 patched with win2k3-ostab.patch and updated project/credit data
  Version: 1 October 2018 (fr 086)
  Modified: Mon Oct 1 19:00:04 2018

- qdinfo.dat: qdinfo.dat (179.06 KB)
  Description: qdinfo.dat of 11 August 2005 with updated project/credit data
  Version: 1 October 2018 (update-qd.pl) (fr 086)
  Modified: Mon Oct 1 19:00:04 2018

- qdiprint.c: qdiprint.c (15.07 KB)
  Description: Dick Howells original qdiprint.c with a fix for projects worth more than 655.35 credits
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:32:48 2010

- qfix.c: qfix.c (14.01 KB)
  Description: Dick Howells original qfix.c with a fix for the queue.dat files with queue version v6.00
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:50:49 2012

- wuinfo.c: wuinfo.c (4.46 KB)
  Description: Dick Howells original wuinfo.c with a fix for wuinfo_??.dat files with 0 completed and/or total steps
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:23:28 2008

- xyz2pdb.c: xyz2pdb.c (23.86 KB)
  Description: Dick Howells original xyz2pdb.c
  Modified: Mon Apr 25 16:58:49 2011

- emprotz.dat: emprotz.dat (89.41 KB)
  Description: Larry Perrys last emprotz.dat with updated project data
  Modified: Mon Oct 1 19:00:10 2018


Binaries of qd
- Linux/x86: qd (191.30 KB)
  Version: qd released 1 October 2018 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: gcc-4.3 -Wall -m32 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o qd qd.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 "Squeeze", with gcc 4.4.5 (Debian 4.4.5-8)
  Modified: Mon Oct 1 19:00:07 2018

- Windows/x86: qd.exe (191.00 KB)
  Version: qd released 1 October 2018 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -Wall -m32 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -o qd.exe qd.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 "Squeeze" with gcc version 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2)
  Modified: Mon Oct 1 19:00:10 2018

- Windows/x86: qd-native.exe (169.50 KB)
  Version: qd released 26 June 2012 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -mno-cygwin -o qd-native.exe qd.c
  Compiled on: Windows XP Pro SP3 with gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (qdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 19:36:34 2012

- OpenBSD/x86: qd (146.55 KB)
  Version: qd released 26 June 2012 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o qd qd.c
  Compiled on: OpenBSD 4.8 with gcc version 3.3.5 (propolice)
  Modified: Mon Jul 2 21:15:49 2012

- FreeBSD/x86: qd (145.50 KB)
  Version: qd released 26 June 2012 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o qd qd.c
  Compiled on: FreeBSD 8.1 with gcc version 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]
  Modified: Mon Jul 2 21:15:26 2012

- Mac OS X/PPC: qd (152.12 KB)
  Version: qd released 26 June 2012 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: gcc-3.3 -Wall -DSYSTYPE=2 -s -Os -o qd qd.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:50:08 2012

- Mac OS X/x86: qd (150.68 KB)
  Version: qd released 26 June 2012 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=3 -s -Os -o qd qd.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.6, with gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:50:01 2012

- Mac OS X/Universal: qd (302.68 KB) The Universal binary requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
  Version: qd released 26 June 2012 (fr 086)
  Compiled with: Xcode 2.5
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.6, with gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:50:13 2012


Binaries of qdiprint
- Linux/x86: qdiprint (11.77 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -m32 -s -O2 -o qdiprint qdiprint.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny", with gcc 4.3.2 (Debian 4.3.2-1.1)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:55:53 2010

- Windows/x86: qdiprint.exe (12.00 KB)
  Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -Wall -s -O2 -o qdiprint.exe qdiprint.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny", with gcc version 4.2.1-sjlj (mingw32-2)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:56:43 2010

- Windows/x86: qdiprint-native.exe (12.00 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -s -O2 -mno-cygwin -o qdiprint-native.exe qdiprint.c
  Compiled on: Windows XP Professional SP3, with gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (qdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:58:39 2010

- OpenBSD/x86: qdiprint (13.49 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -s -O2 -o qdiprint qdiprint.c
  Compiled on: OpenBSD 4.6, with gcc version 3.3.5 (propolice)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:59:30 2010

- FreeBSD/x86: qdiprint (11.61 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -s -O2 -o qdiprint qdiprint.c
  Compiled on: FreeBSD 8.0, with gcc version 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:59:12 2010

- Mac OS X/PPC: qdiprint (17.71 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc-3.3 -Wall -Os -o qdiprint qdiprint.c && strip qdiprint
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:57:49 2010

- Mac OS X/x86: qdiprint (21.59 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -Os -o qdiprint qdiprint.c && strip qdiprint
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.6, with gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:58:04 2010

- Mac OS X/Universal: qdiprint (45.59 KB) The Universal binary requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
  Compiled with: Xcode 2.4.1
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.6, with gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)
  Modified: Sun Feb 7 11:58:07 2010


Binaries of qfix
- Linux/x86: qfix (9.65 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o qfix qfix.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch" with gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 11:01:12 2012

- Windows/x86: qfix.exe (9.50 KB)
  Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -o qfix.exe qfix.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch" with gcc version 3.4.5 (mingw special)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 19:41:18 2012

- Windows/x86: qfix-native.exe (11.50 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -mno-cygwin -o qfix-native.exe qfix.c
  Compiled on: Windows XP Pro SP2 with gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (qdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 19:38:31 2012

- OpenBSD/x86: qfix (10.33 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o qfix qfix.c
  Compiled on: OpenBSD 4.2 with gcc version 3.3.5 (propolice)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:56:37 2012

- FreeBSD/x86: qfix (8.52 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o qfix qfix.c
  Compiled on: FreeBSD 6.2 with gcc version 3.4.6 [FreeBSD] 20060305
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:55:21 2012

- Mac OS X/PPC: qfix (18.41 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc-3.3 -Wall -DSYSTYPE=2 -s -Os -o qfix qfix.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:51:15 2012

- Mac OS X/x86: qfix (17.51 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=3 -s -Os -o qfix qfix.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:51:12 2012

- Mac OS X/Universal: qfix (41.51 KB) The Universal binary requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
  Compiled with: Xcode 2.5
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
  Modified: Thu Jul 5 10:51:18 2012


Binaries of wuinfo
- Linux/x86: wuinfo (5.90 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o wuinfo wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch" with gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:24:31 2008

- Windows/x86: wuinfo.exe (6.50 KB)
  Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -o wuinfo.exe wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch" with gcc version 3.4.5 (mingw special)
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:27:32 2008

- Windows/x86: wuinfo-native.exe (5.50 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -mno-cygwin -o wuinfo-native.exe wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: Windows XP Pro SP2 with gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (qdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:32:37 2008

- OpenBSD/x86: wuinfo (5.85 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o wuinfo wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: OpenBSD 4.4 with gcc version 3.3.5 (propolice)
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:29:57 2008

- FreeBSD/x86: wuinfo (5.78 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -o wuinfo wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: FreeBSD 7.0 with gcc version 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:30:31 2008

- Mac OS X/PPC: wuinfo (13.46 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc-3.3 -Wall -DSYSTYPE=2 -s -Os -o wuinfo wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)
  Modified: Thu Oct 23 17:58:47 2008

- Mac OS X/x86: wuinfo (13.13 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=3 -s -Os -o wuinfo wuinfo.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:28:50 2008

- Mac OS X/Universal: wuinfo (33.31 KB) The Universal binary requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
  Compiled with: Xcode 2.5
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
  Modified: Mon Nov 24 17:29:00 2008


Binaries of xyz2pdb
- Linux/x86: xyz2pdb (14.47 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -lm -o xyz2pdb xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch" with gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)
  Modified: Sat Mar 7 23:30:47 2009

- Windows/x86: xyz2pdb.exe (16.00 KB)
  Compiled with: i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -lm -o xyz2pdb.exe xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch" with gcc version 3.4.5 (mingw special)
  Modified: Sat Mar 7 23:42:25 2009

- Windows/x86: xyz2pdb-native.exe (15.50 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=1 -s -O2 -lm -mno-cygwin -o xyz2pdb-native.exe xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: Windows XP Pro SP2 with gcc version 3.4.4 (cygwin special) (qdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
  Modified: Sat Mar 7 23:41:19 2009

- OpenBSD/x86: xyz2pdb (17.38 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -lm -o xyz2pdb xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: OpenBSD 4.4 with gcc version 3.3.5 (propolice)
  Modified: Sat Mar 7 23:33:45 2009

- FreeBSD/x86: xyz2pdb (13.86 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=0 -s -O2 -lm -o xyz2pdb xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: FreeBSD 7.0 with gcc version 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]
  Modified: Sat Mar 7 23:35:26 2009

- Mac OS X/PPC: xyz2pdb (21.78 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc-3.3 -Wall -DSYSTYPE=2 -s -Os -lm -o xyz2pdb xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)
  Modified: Sun Mar 8 03:04:09 2009

- Mac OS X/x86: xyz2pdb (25.34 KB)
  Compiled with: gcc -Wall -DSYSTYPE=3 -s -Os -lm -o xyz2pdb xyz2pdb.c
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
  Modified: Sun Mar 8 03:03:25 2009

- Mac OS X/Universal: xyz2pdb (53.89 KB) The Universal binary requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
  Compiled with: Xcode 2.5
  Compiled on: Mac OS X 10.4, with gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
  Modified: Sun Mar 8 03:03:30 2009



Voodoo Programming:  Things programmers do that they know shouldn't work but
they try anyway, and which sometimes actually work, such as recompiling
-- Karl Lehenbauer