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 | |   (_)_ __  _   ___  _|  \/  (_)_ __   __| | ___  __| |
 | |   | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / |\/| | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ _` |
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 |_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__,_|
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2008-12-25 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Fixed load_account_pool() to load the correct account from
  the state list, not the general account list.
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 25 December 2008 (fr 071)
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 25 December 2008 (fr 071)


2008-04-25 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Fixed reset_accounts() to skip adding an account to the 
  account pool if its weight is set to 0.
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 25 April 2008 (fr 068)
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 25 April 2008 (fr 068)


2008-03-25 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: Updated to reflect the new optionaly -smp INT argument possibility.
* random-folder.pl: Updated parse_arguments() to handle the numeric argument
  the -smp argument of the FAH v6.02beta1 client supports to indicate the 
  number of CPU cores to use.
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 25 March 2008 (fr 066)
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 25 March 2008 (fr 066)


2008-03-09 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Minor change to reset_accounts(), you can now configure an
  account in the config.xml, but skip adding it to the account pool if the 
  weight is set to 0.
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 7 March 2008 (fr 064)
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 7 March 2008 (fr 064)


2008-02-14 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Fixed XMLin() for config.xml


2007-12-24 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Fixed manage_client(), if the FAH client completes a WU
  and terminates leaving the current WU in the state 'ready for upload'. 
  random-folder would never check if the FAH client has quit, because that
  was only done when the current WU is in the state 'finished'.


2007-12-17 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Fixed reconfigure_client(), it could incorrectly replace
  the username if the username is user.
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 14 December 2007 (fr 063) 
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 14 December 2007 (fr 063)


2007-10-20 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Added support to save the account pool state between
  restarts. The account pool state is updated each time the FAH client is
  reconfigured, the state is stored in the config.xml file.
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 4 November 2007 (fr 060) 
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 4 November 2007 (fr 060)


2007-10-20 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: Removed outdated information about removal of the passkey


2007-10-20 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Added reporing of the account statistics after the account
  pool is reset.


2007-10-20 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl

* random-folder.pl: Added -r & --report arguments to report which account have
  been randomly selected
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 20 October 2007 (fr 057)
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 20 October 2007 (fr 057)


2007-09-30 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Fixed warning for uninitialized weight


2007-09-29 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: Added documentation of the new required element <weight> of each
  <account> in config.xml
* random-folder.pl: Improved random account selection, now uses an account pool
  out of which each selected account is removed after it's chosen.
  How many times an account initially appears in the pool is configured with
  the <weight> element in config.xml.

2007-09-28 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Removed code to stip passkey from client.cfg, it doesn't
  prevent the FAH client from folding for other users, it's just a unique


2007-09-27 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: Added documentation on the v6 client and its -smp argument
* random-folder.pl: Added support for Linux & Mac OS X v6 CLI client
  Added support for v6 client argument -smp to request SMP WUs
  Will strip passkey from client.cfg to allow folding for other users
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 27 September 2007 (fr 057) 
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 27 September 2007 (fr 057) 


2007-09-23 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: Improved documentation for running on Mac OS X
* random-folder.pl: Automatically add -local FAH client argument on Mac OS X

2007-09-22 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Added logfile rotation
* darwin/qd: Updated to qd released 20 September 2007 (fr 057)
  This is the Universal binary, requiring Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
* linux/qd: Updated to qd released 20 September 2007 (fr 057)

2007-09-19 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: Added Finished date to output of completed WU.

2007-09-15 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: Added documentation for running on Mac OS X
* random-folder.pl: Added support for Mac OS X SMP CLI client,
  Added support for FAH client argument -local,
  $SIG{CHLD} handling changed to use wait_for_child()
* darwin/qd: Included qd released 14 September 2007 (fr 057)
* linux/qd: Moved to own subdirectory,
  Updated to qd released 14 September 2007 (fr 057)


2007-09-09 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: $SIG{CHLD} handling disabled only when running qd


2007-09-08 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* random-folder.pl: $SIG{CHLD} handling conflicted with exection of qd


2007-09-08 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* initial release
* supports the following FAH clients:
  - Linux CPU client: FAH502-Linux.exe
  - Linux CPU client: FAH504-Linux.exe
  - Linux SMP client: fah5
* includes Linux x86 binary of qd 6 September 2007 (fr 057)


Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.
-- Dave Olson