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Software | ||||||
bsd-get Here you can find a simple Perl script to install OpenBSD packages using pkg_add in an apt-get like manner.
Its usage is quite simple, first update the package list cache: # bsd-get updateSearch for a package to install using a loose expression: # bsd-get search screen p5-Term-Screen-1.03p0.tgz p5-Term-ScreenColor-1.09p0.tgz screen-4.0.3p1-shm.tgz screen-4.0.3p1-static.tgz screen-4.0.3p1.tgz xscreensaver-5.04-no_gle.tgzInstall a single package using a strict expression: # bsd-get install screen-4.*p1.tgz Going to install 1 packages: screen-4.0.3p1.tgz Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -r ftp://ftp.calyx.nl/pub/OpenBSD/4.3/packages/i386/screen-4.0.3p1.tgz |
Fortune: As pointed out in a followup, Real Perl Programmers prefer things to be visually distinct. -- Larry Wall in <199710161841.LAA13208@wall.org> |