_     _                  __  __ _           _          _
 | |   (_)_ __  _   ___  _|  \/  (_)_ __   __| | ___  __| |
 | |   | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / |\/| | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ _` |
 | |___| | | | | |_| |>  <| |  | | | | | | (_| |  __/ (_| |
 |_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_|  |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|\__,_|
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qd / queue.dat documentation
Using qd HOWTO
Dick Howells F@H Tools Page
$ cat ChangeLog

2012-07-05: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qfix/qfix.c: Fetch PRCG numbers from FahCore_a{3,4,5}.exe wuresults
  files. A patch for this feature was contributed by Kris Rusocki.


2011-07-28 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Update psummary parsing regex to support space
  in the contact name.


2011-06-18 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Update psummary parsing regex to support / in
  the project name.


2011-06-09 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Removed Genome@Home team number check which disables output
  of the points. Nowadays team ID > 100000 is used for FAH too.
  Updated to functional revision 086


2011-05-29 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Add 0xa6 (GRO-A6).
  Updated to functional revision 085


2011-02-16 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Add cores 0x16 (OPENMM_OPENCL) & 0xa5 (GRO-A5).
  Updated to functional revision 084


2011-02-16 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Update gcc commands to use -D_GNU_SOURCE to
  allow the build on Debian Squeeze (GLIBC_2.7) to work on CentOS 5 (GLIBC_2.5)


2011-02-16 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* configure: Fix bashisms to prevent failure when /bin/sh is provided by dash.


2010-12-12 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: Updated to version of 10 December 2010 (update-qd.pl).
* source/emprotz/emprotz.dat: Updated to version of 10 December 2010.
* source/qd/qd.c: Change core name for FahCore_15.exe to OPENMMGPU.
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Update psummary parser to handle updated format.
* documentation/compilation-information.txt: Updated compilation details.


2010-06-12 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Fix kfactor comparison of possible UTF8 string.


2010-05-20 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Improve psummary parser to accept new project 
  description URL: 


2010-05-19 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Improve psummary parser to accept email addresses
  as contact, not only their (alphanumeric) name.


* source/qd/qd.c: Introduce -C option, to only show the current index. Any
  other queue index will be skipped.
  Updated to functional revision 083


* source/qd/qd.c: Introduce alternate points per day calculation. It assumes
  that the WU is (will be) completed at the (projected/expected) end date. It
  does not use the percentage of completed work to show the average ppd you
  have earned up to that point of completion, but it shows the average ppd that
  you'll earn over the total time (expected) to complete the WU.
  Updated to functional revision 082


2010-02-07 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Add bonus points for projects with a kfactor and for which
  the additional requirements are met. Average bonus points over all the 
  qualifying WUs in the queue.dat will be show below the normal queue averages.
  Also added BigAdv client types. And the preferred deadline table now also uses
  a history for the rare cases where its value changes over time (dk lines in
  qdinfo.dat), and the kfactor is now stored per project too (pk lines in
  qdinfo.dat) with history as well (kh lines in qdinfo.dat). 
  Updated to functional revision 081
* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: Added ability to display the new data in 
  qdinfo.dat (dh, pk & kh lines), and fixed formatting of preferred deadlines.
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Added handling for the new kfactor, and for 
  preferred deadline changes. Also make 946684800 a constant (TIME_OFS) like
  it is in qd too (difference between UNIX and COSM epoch).
* Makefile.in: Added -lm to qd compile command, now that it uses sqrtf() from


2010-01-16 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added display of the last value in the queue.dat that Dick
  Howell hadn't figured out yet. It's printed in the FAH misc section as the
  third comma separated value. The endianness of the value is printed in 
  parentheses, because it can be big-endian even when the assignment info is
  little endian. The value is likely not related to the other two misc values,
  but its another misc value that fits best there.
  Updated to functional revision 080


2010-01-13 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed another issue introduced by the v5 work servers, the
  client type requires are apparently part of the assignment info, using the
  same endianness. Moved client type down a few lines to right above the 
  assignment info.
  Updated to functional revision 079


2010-01-07 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed issues introduced by the v5 work servers, the issue
  date is no longer set, and the (CPU)ID and Machine ID can be Big Endian.
  Updated to functional revision 078

2009-12-31 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Increased column size for project to 5, and
  credits to 7 to handle the new project worth more.
* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: Increased column size for credits to 7 to handle
  the new projects worth more.


2009-12-31 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: Increased column size for projects to 5 now that
  we have project 10000 and up.


2009-12-24 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Updated the psummary parser to handle empty
  table cells for the contact column. See:
  Updated to v1.4.6

2009-12-22 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Removed byte 504 from the debug hex output (-d), its value is
  displayed since functional revision 076 released 2009-12-05.


2009-11-18 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Updated the psummary parser to handle the new
  format, which changed again. But now the page is finally valid XHTML 1.0
  Updated to v1.4.5


2009-12-10 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Add client_type to Valid XML output to make the XML valid
  Updated to functional revision 077


2009-12-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Readded client type from private branch, Stanford had enough
  time to deal with this. I don't consider this info a secret, but beneficial
  to users of qd.
  Updated to functional revision 076.


2009-11-18 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Added support for Stanford new psummary format
  which includes the new Kfactor column. See for more info:
  http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=12204  and:
  Updated to v1.4.4


2009-10-24 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added new cores: 0x20 (SHARPEN)
  Updated to functional revision 075.


2009-10-24 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added new cores: 0x15 (GROGPU3), 0xa3 (GRO-A3), 0xa4 (GRO-A4)
  Updated to functional revision 074.

2009-08-04 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Explictly compile 32bit binaries using -m32.
  Updated to v1.4.3


2009-05-22 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Minor change to the psummary parsing, also
  accept ! in the project name as currently used by:


2009-03-15 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: Added commandline argument -a to show all the
  fields in the qdinfo.dat. Using this argument will cause qdiprint to also
  display the fr & pg fields (lastest functional revision of qd & point table
  generation time).


2009-03-08 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/xyz2pdb/xyz2pdb.c: Added Dick Howells last version of xyz2pdb and
  compiled it for the various platforms.

2009-03-07 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Display the FAH core number, and its name (as used on
  psummary.html) if the core is known in the new coretab structure. 
  Updated to functional revision 073.

2009-03-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added new core:
  0x14: V [GPU2 (NVIDIA Development) / GROGPU2-MT]


2009-01-17 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added new cores:
  0x11: 2 [GPU2 (ATI CAL / NVIDIA CUDA)]
  0x12: a [GPU2 (ATI Development)]
  0x13: n [GPU2 (NVIDIA Development)]
  0x7c: c [ Double-p]
  Updated to functional revision 072.


2008-12-21 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Minor change to the output of the multiple
  records warning. Show each record on a single line instead of each column of
  each record on its own line.
  Updated to v1.4.1.


2008-11-24 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/wuinfo/wuinfo.c: Added commandline parameter support to wuinfo, like
  qd it now supports -u & -f <folding dir> to specify an alternate FAH client
  directory. The default is still "" aka ./ but you can now specify the path
  from the commandline.


2008-11-19 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Major overhaul of the psummary parsing, extra
  strict regex used to parse the project lines. To be more robust when dealing
  with crap in the psummary.html.
  Updated to v1.4.

2008-11-07 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Minor change to the psummary parse warnings to
  indicate for which file (qdinfo.dat or emprotz.dat) the projects are parsed.
  Updated to v1.3.5.


2008-11-03 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Fixed compilation of the Windows binary
  that was broken since v1.3.1 of the script (released in qd-tools v1.9.1).
  Updated to v1.3.4.


2008-10-06 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Updated the regex which parses the psummary for
  qd.c & qdinfo.dat project data to accept a floating point value for the
  frames column. This value is not used by qd, but only by EMIIIs emprotz.dat,
  I don't think EMIII supports a floating point value for the frames value, so 
  projects using this will not be added to the emprotz.dat.
  Updated to v1.3.3.


2008-09-21 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/wuinfo/wuinfo.c: Added Dick Howells wuinfo program, and fixed an
  crash if both the completed and total steps are 0.


2008-09-07 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: The FAH GPU2 client stores an addition piece of data in the
  queue.dat which looks like the amount of GPU memory the client can use. It is
  not the full amount of memory on the card, but half plus a little bit.
  It is reported as 'gpu memory' in the normal and <gpu_memory> in the XML
  output of qd.
  Due to the lack of testcases the actual meaning of the data may be different
  from what Pandegroup uses the value for, this is my best guess based on the
  current data available to me.
  Updated to functional revision 071.


2008-07-27 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fix FAH core URL, append '/' to url if it's not the last
  character. The full URL is contructed as follows:
  <url> is replaced with the URL stored in the queue.dat and <core#> with the
  core number stored in the queue.dat.
  Only the more recent v6 clients store the URL without the trailing '/' as
  has been the case in v5 and earlier.
  Updated to functional revision 070.


2008-06-28 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Improved parsing of the psummary, sometimes
  the number of atoms can be missing. This is no problem, because this value
  is not used in qdinfo.dat nor emprotz.dat.


* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Fixed parsing of the psummary, now uses regex.


* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Added --em or --emprotz-too, -e or --emprotz
  arguments to support also updating the emprotz.dat file, updates to this
  file are no longer supplied by Larry Perry, the EMIII author but have been
  contrinued by howieh of Team Helix, see:
  Inclusion of the code to update an emprotz.dat file automates the update
  just like it is done for the qdinfo.dat and qd.c files.
* source/emprotz/emprotz.dat: Added emprotz.dat file, last revision by Larry
  Perry (5.0.6) with updated project data.


* source/qd/qd.c: Added -a parameter to show all queue values which are not
  shown by default. Asof this release the passkey value is not shown by
  default even if it's set, because the passkey is private information, see:
  Use the -a argument to also display the passkey if desired, this is usefull
  while debugging, because the passkey value is not always written to the
  This was a feature request by Bruce Borden.
  Updated to functional revision 069.


* source/qd/qd.c: Several minor fixes, fixed display of the timestamp on which
  qd is executed on Windows. The character buffer wasn't big enough because
  Windows uses a long timezone name (depending on registry settings) and not
  the abbreviations as on UNIX, e.g. CET on UNIX vs W. Europe Daylight Time on
  Windows. Also fixed the removal of the trailing carriage return in the 
  project name of Windows clients, before only the trailing newline was 
  Updated to functional revision 068.


* source/qd/qd.c: Renamed FAH core:
  - 0xa2: Gromacs SMP (v1.90) to Gromacs CVS / Gromacs SMP (v1.90).
  The core was identified in the compact output as 's' now 'C'.


* source/qd/qd.c: Added code to display the number of cores the FAH client
  should use (configured with the -smp <n> argument). It is reported by qd
  as 'cores to use' and in the XML output as <use_cores>. This field (004) 
  in the queue.dat is reused since FAH client v6.01, and is configurable
  with the -smp <n> argument since FAH client v6.02.
  Updated to functional revision 067.


* source/qd/qd.c: Added code to display the date and time qd was executed on
  explicitly mentioning the timezone, and displaying that same date and time
  in UTC too. These dates are listed as <executed> & <executed_utc> in the XML
  output. This functionality is only available if qd is compiled with ctime()
  support, from <time.h> (-DNO_CTIME=0, default behaviour).
  Updated to functional revision 066.


* source/qd/qd.c: Added code to display the number of flops per CPU (core) 
  which can be stored in the queue.dat since FAH client v6.00.
  Updated to functional revision 065.


2008-03-02 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added code to display the passkey which can be stored in the
  queue.dat since FAH client v6.01.
  Updated to functional revision 064.


2008-02-28 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Fixed minor bug where a project listed with 0
  credits is continually seens as a new project. 
  Updated version to 1.2.5
* source/QD-GUI/: Initial inclusing of the QD-GUI source code & Visual Studio
  2008 (Visual C# 2008 Express Edition) project files. 
  QD-GUI is written in C# for .NET 2.0, and is a GUI around the qd XML output
  to allow easy viewing of the queue.dat information without the need to open
  a command prompt and use the CLI.


* Makefile.in: Added build of qfix
* configure: Added configure options for qfix


* source/qd/qd.c: Minor improvement to -i output, Results sent after last
  empty line.


2007-11-17 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qfix/qfix.c: Added source code of qfix to qd-tools, and bumped the
  Maximum Queue Version to 6.00 to support the Windows v6 client (see also
  qd-tools v1.1.1).
  Thanks to Andrew Schofield for bringing this to my attention.
* freebsd/x86/qfix: Added binary of updated qfix
* linux/x86/qfix: Added binary of updated qfix
* openbsd/x86/qfix: Added binary of updated qfix
* darwin/x86/qfix: Added binary of updated qfix
* darwin/ppc/qfix: Added binary of updated qfix
* darwin/universal/qfix: Added binary of updated qfix
* win32/x86/qfix.exe: Added binary of updated qfix
* win32/x86/qfix-native.exe: Added binary of updated qfix
* documentation/compilation-information.txt: Added qfix info


2007-11-17 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added FAH core:
  - 0xa2: Gromacs SMP (v1.90)
  Bumped the Maximum Queue Version to 6.00 to support the Windows v6 client,
  which uses qver 600 whereas the Linux & OSX v6 client still uses qver 501.
  Thanks to Andrew Schofield for bringing this to my attention.
  Updated to functional revision 063.


2007-11-11 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added FAH cores:
  - 0x7b: Double Gromacs B (DGROMACSB)
  - 0x81: Gromacs Simulated Tempering (GROSIMT)
  Added support for the date on which a failed upload was successfully sent,
  this date can be stored since v5.00 after the Performance Fraction near the
  end of the queue.dat. It will be reported before the Upload & Download rates
  as 'Results successfully sent' or <results_successfully_sent> in the XML
  output, this name is used because the date matches the date the following
  line was logged in the FAHlog.txt:
  [16:05:31] + Results successfully sent
  Updated to functional revision 062.


2007-11-10 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: FAH client benchmark can be stored in byte 476 as of v5.00,
  this was thought to be unused as of v3.24.
  Benchmark location in the queue.dat:
  - FAH client >= v3.24: byte 472 in Little Endian
  - FAH client >= v5.00: byte 476 in Big Endian
  Updated to functional revision 061.


2007-11-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added output of the available memory detected by the FAH
  client, this functionality is supported since FAH v6.00.
  It will be displayed as "memory" or <memory> in the XML output.
  Updated to functional revision 060.


2007-11-04 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added output of a work units server tag if it's stored in
  the queue.dat, this functionality is supported since FAH v6.00. 
  It will be displayed as "tag" or <tag> in the XML output.
  Updated to functional revision 059.


2007-11-03 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added work around for the Windows SMP client bug where it
  doesn't update the mtime of the work/logfile_??.txt file (and/or the
  work/wuinfo_??.dat). See: http://folding-community.org/ftopic21498.html
  Updated to functional revision 058.


2007-07-01 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* Makefile: Added simple Makefile to build and install qd & qdiprint on the
  supported OSes.
* Makefile.in: Added template for the Makefile
* configure: Added configure script to generate the correct Makefile for each
  supported OS/Arch.
* README: Added usage information for the Makefile


2007-03-12 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: Changed to use psummary.html by default.
* ChangeLog: Modified several files to change to psummary.html


2007-03-04 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added display of the number of SMP cores detected by the SMP
  client (as of v5.91 it can store this in the queue.dat). Will be displayed
  as "smp cores" or <smp_cores> in the XML output.
  Updated to functional revision 057.


2007-02-26 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added preferred deadline as "preferred:", the preferred
  deadline info is read from qdinfo.dat.
  Updated to functional revision 056.
* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: Added parsing of "pd" lines in qdinfo.dat
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: added check to credit comparision of
  new/modified projects, will only use the new credit if it's a number > 0.
  Added handling for the new Preferred Deadlines list in qd.c and qdinfo.dat.
* documentation/manpages/qdinfo.dat.5: Added documentation on the format of
  the "pd" lines.


2007-02-17 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed project name in the XML output, if the string contained
  spaces it would be printed up to the first space, now the whole string is
  Updated to functional revision 055.


* source/qd/qd.c: Readded mac value to the -s parameter, it was changed to
  mac-ppc in fr 053, but has been readded for backwards compatibility. Both
  mac-ppc and mac set the systype to 2.
  Updated to functional revision 054.
* binaries/darwin/universal/qd: Added universal binary next to the PPC and x86
  specific binaries


2007-01-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added SYSTYPE=3 for Mac OS X on Intel x86 CPUs. This changes
  the values acceptable to the -s parameter, there are now two mac parameters:
  mac-ppc & mac-x86, there used to be only: mac.
  The SYSTYPE is autodetected at compile time if it is not defined with -D.
  In the qd output the OS reported for the system type has changed, where
  there used to be only Mac, there are now Mac/PPC and Mac/x86.
  Updated to functional revision 053.


2006-12-09 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Replaced union fix for the dereferencing warning with
  memcpy to a float. 
  Thanks to Dieter Vrancken aka jackrabbit from TeamMacOSX for the fix.
  Updated to functional revision 052.


2006-12-09 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed GCC warning about type-punning when printing the
  performance fraction.
  Updated to functional revision 051.
* source/qd/qd.c: Added several comments to the code which prints the actual
* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: Fixed GCC warnings about possible ambigous


2006-11-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* documentation/qd-xml-output.dtd: removed end_in, expect_in, due_in &
  expire_in, added deadline.
* documentation/qd-xml-output-example-linux.txt: removed end_in, expect_in,
  due_in & expire_in, added deadline.


2006-11-25 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Removed tags: end_in, expect_in, due_in & expire_in, replaced
  them with the tag <deadline>, the value which is printed is the time allowed 
  for the client to proccess the WU, the XML output incorrectly displayed that.
  Updated to functional revision 050.


2006-11-14 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added support for the SMP core (0xa1) to the compact output, 
  the core will be identified by the letter S.
  The core has also been added to the qd documentation on my mirror of Dick
  Howells website:
  Updated to functional revision 049.


2006-11-13 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed XML output, the server which is printed for v3.00 and
  higher of the queue.dat is actually for second server stored (srv2). For pre 
  v3.00 two servers are printed (srv1 & srv2). 
  Updated to functional revision 048.
* documentation/qd-xml-output-example-linux.txt: Fixed XML output.


2006-11-12 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed XML output, renamed credit to points and
  credit_per_hour to points_per_hour to keep the names in sync with how the
  their called in the normal output. 
  Like Folding@home or Folding@Home, there seems to be no official usage. 
  The Stanford teamstats files, daily_*_summary.txt files, psummary*.html files
  call it credit, the Stanford donor certificates use points. 
  qd als uses points (pts actually), whereas the qd documentation uses a mix of
  credit and points. The terms Points Per Day, Week, Year etc are common
  language in the Distributed Computing communities.
  I've settled for points in the context of qds output, and use points and
  credit interchangeably in the documentation.
* source/qd/qd.c: Removed empty line above <notice> XML tags
  Updated to functional revision 047.
* documentation/qd-xml-output.dtd: Renamed credit -> points.
* documentation/qd-xml-output-example-linux.txt: Renamed credit -> points


2006-11-10 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Fixed qd XML output DTD, in the index element nothing
  besides status and number are always present.
  Updated to functional revision 046.
* documentation/qd-xml-output.dtd: Fixed flawed index definition
* binaries/openbsd/qd: recompiled on OpenBSD 4.0
* binaries/openbsd/qdiprint: recompiled on OpenBSD 4.0
* documentation/queue.dat-layout/queue-cpu-type.html: added CPU type table
  and link to Cosm documentation
* documentation/queue.dat-layout/queue-os-type.html: added OS type table
  and link to Cosm documentation


2006-10-28 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Thanks to Plutronics and tharpold of TeamMacOSX I was
  directed at a problem that qd would not calculate the expect date of a WU,
  if it was being processed for more than 50 days. This check for 50 days has
  been replaced by a check if a deadline time for the WU is known, and if so
  to skip calculating the expect date if the WU is being processed longer than
  or equal to the deadline time. Because the WU will be terminated. 
  My analysis of the problem is posted in the below thread of the
  TeamMacOSX forum:
  Updated to functional revision 045.
* source/qd/qd.c: Added several comments based on the analysis done on the


2006-10-28 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* documentation/using-qd-howto/: added HTML version of the FAH Wiki article at:


2006-10-22 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added "Windows" as general name for Cosm Operating System
  1,0. 1,0 is used by the F@H client for an unknown version of Windows, 
  e.g. Windows Vista. Updated to functional revision 044.


2006-10-11 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Updated work unit log parsing to correctly extract the
  progress from log files produced by the GPU cores up to and including v0.06.
  Updated to functional revision 043.

2006-10-11 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added several comments to unclear code (for log file
  parsing among others).


2006-10-11 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: Added core identifiers for the cores (0x10/GPU: P,
  0x7a/GB Gromacs: B, 0xa0/Gromacs 3.3: 3) which are displayed in the 
  compact output. Updated to functional revision 042.


2006-06-09 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: expanded comment for CPU ID/uid[8] to note that it is
  usually stored in Big Endian, but sometimes in Little Endian too.


2006-06-07 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: added -P parameter to add an extra line with Project, Run,
  Clone & Generation info to the normal output in the same format as
  FAHlog.txt, usefull for moderators of the Folding-Community Forum to lookup
  a specific work unit. Updated to functional revision 041
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated to functional revision 041
* source/scripts/qd2xml.pl: changed output of CPU and OS string to always
  lowercase no mather if the input was in upper- or lowercase
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/qd: rebuild from updated source

2006-06-04 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: added comment to the obscure code "f = *q++ - '0';", where 
  the status code is extracted from the status string.

2006-06-04 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: fixed Stored ID comment, value stored in LE or BE, not
  always LE. The code can't handle this yet, need to get code to detect the
  endianness of the 64 bit value and display it accordingly.

2006-05-31 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: fixed CPU/OS type/species in queue.dat struct, comment did 
  not reflect variable


2006-05-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: fixed date string used in 'da' line to use
  $cfg{date} and not compose it of "$day $month $year", now the date string is
  5 May 2006 again and not the erronious 05 May 2006, updated to v1.2.2
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: fixed 'da' date string: 05 May 2006 -> 5 May 2006


2006-03-20 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: renamed to qd
* binaries/darwin/mac_qdiprint: renamed to qdiprint
* documentation/compilation-information.txt: updated MacOS X filenames to qd
  and qdiprint


2006-03-13 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: fixed typo of sprintf on line 557, 
  updated to v1.2.1


2006-03-08 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: added lower() to print the XML tag strings in prstr(), 
  updated to functional revision 040
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated to functional revision 040
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source


2006-03-04 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: modified XML output, OS and CPU tags are now in lowercase,
  updated to functional revision 039
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated to functional revision 039
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: added option to log new and/or updated
  projects, updated to v1.2
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source
* documentation/update-qd.log: added project update log file
* documentation/qd-xml-output.dtd: OS and CPU tags are now in lowercase
* documentation/qd-xml-output-example-linux.txt: OS and CPU tags are now in


2006-02-12 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: added -X switch for Valid XML output beside the -x for Well
  Formed XML, added Inline DTD, added XML header to both XML output modes.
  Replaced special characters in XML output for <error> & <notice>, updated to
  functional revision 038
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated to functional revision 038
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: added -Wall to gcc command, updated to v1.1.1
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source
* documentation/xml-ouput.txt: updated XML documentation with info on -X
* documentation/qd-xml-output.dtd: added external DTD for the XML output


2006-02-02 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: put exit(0) back at the end of main(), removed an
  unused argument, and added some braces, updated to functional revision 037
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated to functional revision 037
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: added -Wall to gcc command, updated to v1.1.1
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source

2006-02-01 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/qd2xml.pl: updated the date regexes to handle error strings,


2006-01-30 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/qd2xml.pl: created a script to convert normal qd output to
  its XML variant

2006-01-29 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: fixed another XML related bug, in the cases were the
  remaining time of of four timestamps was printed in XML it would use the tag
  due_in in all cases even if the timestamp was not due_timestamp, updated to
  functional revision 036
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source


2006-01-29 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: fixed bug when the OS or CPU name cannot be found in the
  table then the XML tag would not be closed, updated to functional revision 035
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source


2006-01-14 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/qd/qd.c: added XML output, updated to functional revision 034
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated to functional revision 034
* binaries/linux/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qd: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/darwin/mac_qd: rebuild from updated source
* documentation/xml-ouput.txt: created short explation text
  to accompany the new XML output functionality in qd
* documentation/qd-xml-output-example-linux.txt: created file with output of
  the new XML output functionality


2005-12-26 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: updated file list
* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: added -f switch to disable the new default 
  formatted output for backwards compatibility with old output.
* binaries/linux/qdiprint: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qdiprint.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/win32/qdiprint-native.exe: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/openbsd/qdiprint: rebuild from updated source
* binaries/freebsd/qdiprint: rebuild from updated source
* documentation/compilation-information.txt: updated compile commands

2005-12-06 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: renamed to update-qd.pl
* source/scripts/update-qd.pl: added --force option, to force regeneration of
  qdinfo.dat and qd.c even if there are no changes in psummaryC.html
  added --qdinfo-only, which will skip regeneration of qd.c but not qdinfo.dat
* source/scripts/psummary2qdinfo.pl: removed, --qdinfo-only in update-qd.pl
  replaces this script
* source/qd/qd.c: updated to functional revision 033, should have done this
  a 2 bugfixes ago already
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated functional revision to 033
* binaries/linux/qd: updated to functional revision 033, should have done this
  a 2 bugfixes ago already
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: updated to functional revision 033
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: updated to functional revision 033
* binaries/openbsd/qd: updated to functional revision 033
* binaries/freebsd/qd: updated to functional revision 033

2005-12-06 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: added commandline parameter -d,
  --dry-run, for use in testing the script without it overwriting the 
  existing files 
* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: added code to handle the extraction of
  the functional revision from qdinfo.dat

2005-12-05 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: refactored the script, now uses
  subroutines for the steps it needs to take.
* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: added commandline parameter --nd,
  --no-download to skip downloading of psummaryC.html (v1.1)

2005-12-02 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl

* documentation/manpages/qdinfo.dat.5: fixed typo, added reference to
Folding@Home for clarity which was not mentioned in the man page
* documentation/manpage-qdinfo.dat.txt: synced with nroff file qdinfo.dat.5
* documentation/compilation-information.txt: added note about gcc-3.3 on OSX


2005-12-01 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/psummary2qdinfo.pl: fixed alignment of credit value, Project
  2360 was worth 129400 credits, therefor the 5 characters used for the credit
  were not enough. Now using 6 characters for the credits.
* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: fixed same alignment bug (v1.0.2)
* documentation/manpages/qdinfo.dat.5: Wrote man page about qdinfo.dat file
* documentation/manpage-qdinfo.dat.txt: Added text version of qdinfo.dat
  man page


2005-11-25 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* source/scripts/psummary2qdinfo.pl: fixed credit history bug, I saved the
  new value in the history, in stead of the value up to that moment 
* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: fixed same credit history bug (v1.0.1)
* source/qd/qd.c: fixed corrupted credit history
* source/qdinfo.dat/qdinfo.dat: fixed corrupted credit history, updated Dick
  Howells last version of 11 August against todays psummaryC.html, all
  revision history since then has been lost. :-(
* binaries/linux/qd: recompiled from fixed qd.c, same credit history bug
* binaries/darwin/qd: recompiled because of credit history bug
* binaries/openbsd/qd: recompiled because of credit history bug
* binaries/freebsd/qd: recompiled because of credit history bug
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: recompiled because of credit history bug
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: recompiled because of credit history bug

2005-11-22 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* README: added qdiprint info
* source/qdiprint/qdiprint.c: added qdiprint source and fixed 655.35 max
  credits bug
* binaries/win32/qdiprint.exe: added binary of updated qdiprint  
* binaries/linux/qdiprint: added binary of updated qdiprint  
* binaries/openbsd/qdiprint: added binary of updated qdiprint  
* binaries/freebsd/qdiprint: added binary of updated qdiprint  
* documentation/compilation-information.txt: added qdiprint info


2005-11-18 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>

* Initial release. 
* source/qd/qd.c: updated qd.c of 11 August 2005 with the project info of 
  November 17th
* source/qd/qd.c: fixed issue of project 2351 being 78800 points, while the
  datatype could only handle up to 65535 points.
* source/qdinfo/qdinfo.dat: updated qdinfo.dat of 11 August 2005 with the 
  project info of November 17th
* source/psummary/psummaryC.html: added psummaryC.html of November 17th
* source/scripts/update-qd-files.pl: Created script to update credits per 
  project tables in both qdinfo.dat and qd.c and compile the binaries
* binaries/linux/qd: added Linux binary compiled from updated qd.c
* binaries/freebsd/qd: added FreeBSD binary compiled from updated qd.c
* binaries/openbsd/qd: added OpenBSD binary compiled from updated qd.c
* binaries/win32/qd.exe: added Windows binary cross-compiled from updated qd.c
* binaries/win32/qd-native.exe: added Windows binary compiled natively from 
  updated qd.c


Q:      How many hardware engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
A:      None.  We'll fix it in software.

Q:      How many system programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
A:      None.  The application can work around it.

Q:      How many software engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
A:      None.  We'll document it in the manual.

Q:      How many tech writers does it take to change a light bulb?
A:      None.  The user can figure it out.