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qd / queue.dat documentation
Using qd HOWTO
Dick Howells F@H Tools Page

People who have helped in some way in the development of qd-tools in 
semi-random order. Although not a comprehensive list of their contributions,
but I feel the need to express my appreciation for their work.

Dick Howell / rph_iv (Default)
 The original author of qd an several other Folding@Home related tools.
 Because of his unfortunate death in August 2005 qd-tools was created to 
 continue the updates he used to provide. 
Dieter Vrancken / jackrabbit (Team MacOS X)
 He wrote psumdiff.pl, a small tool to check for differences between two 
 psummary.html files. It was the basis for psummary2qdinfo.pl, which updated
 qdinfo.dat with the changes in psummary.html
 He was also of great help testing the qd binary on OSX.

Larry Plutchak / Plutronics (Team MacOS X)
 He sent me psumdiff.pl and updated qdinfo.dat files, which he updated by hand!
 This was the reason why I wrote psummary2qdinfo.pl, to ease the labor of 
 updating qdinfo.dat. 

Kevin Bernhagen / calxalot (Team MacOS X)
 Provides the OSX binary. Helped me with some C stuff, pointed me at some bugs, 
 and with providing OSX specific information.

Larry Perry / TheWeatherMan (DSL Reports Team Helix)
 Was also very helpfull with the C side of qd. And the first to "adopt" Dicks 

Alex Kirk / schnarff (Default)
 Who helped me get started with compiling of the qd binaries in general, but 
 OpenBSD in specific.

Andrew Schofield / Uncle_Fungus (CustomPC)
 Helped out to make qd understand the GPU client by supplying the F@H client 
 files for several versions of the GPU core.

Tim Braun / 7im (Ars Technica Team Egg Roll)
 Also helped out to make qd understand the GPU client by supplying the F@H 
 client files for several versions of the GPU core.

Bastien (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

BiLe (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

Jason (EOC Folding@Home Team)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

JMT (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

MstrBlstr (Firefly)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

PissedCapslock (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

Ryan (Team MacOS X)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

SandStar (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

Sm0ke0ut (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

Tommy (Team MacOS X)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

utopia-i (Team MacOS X)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.

Wiethoofd (Dutch Power Cows)
 Graciously provided queue.dat files and/or complete FAH client directories to
 my collection of test cases.


Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.
-- Donald Knuth